Album Review - Crazy Frog : Crazy Hits

Axel F, Crazy Frog's flagship song has taken the UK Charts by storm, beating less deserving artists like Coldplay to the number 1 spot on the chart for many weeks(not counting).
Taking other artist's songs and adding random irritating sounds like "ding ding" and "bhem bhem", he has created a whole new soundtrack exactly like the older one, just much more painful.
A once boring but catchy song, Axel F was originally the theme song for Beverly Hills Cop The Movie, which aired many decades ago. The song was a hit by itself, but for some reason, it had no soul. It had no lyrics. The Crazy Frog solved that by adding some sentimental, yet powerful lyrics to it.
The new Axel F, done by Crazy Frog, goes like this..
Lyrics :
A ring a ding a ding ding ding bumm baba
Wat wat wattts goin on on
Ding ding
I am the crazy frog
Ding ding
Bhem bhem ring ding ding ding ding
Ring ring bim ding ding ding
I used to love Axel F when I was young(I actually bought the CD to test out my new Stereo System years ago... So naturally, this Crazy Frog version just blew me away.
The entire album, which consists of 16 songs(including the intro), are also remixes of older techno songs with "ding ding"s and "ring ring"s added in. Its a good buy... Go get it...
If for some sick reason, you decide that The Crazy Frog is THE hottest thing of the century and you absolutely(against all hopes of sanity) HAVE to create a shrine dedicated to the Crazy Frog, dont worry... There are tonnes of Crazy Frog memorabilia avalable on Ebay for whatever fools who would soon be parted from their moneys.

Be warned, that playing Crazy Frog's album in your car while driving may result in your car driving offroad and in to some interesting topographical feature.
Dafansu gives this album 5 non-chinese speaking potatoes

u mean u do album reviews too?? hahah...
eh, clarence i wanan drive ur car eh...
Yes, review just about anything we don't like.
And no, you'll have to get in line. I'm up for a test drive first.
I heard Mr Goat has one... We'd better hurry up and do the review before he goes and crashes it before us.
No one drives my RX 8, no one! NO ONE! If I ever get a bitch (female, not chicken), she prob could clock a few miles via blowjobs but
a) I dont want blowjobs from males
b) I dont want blowjobs from cows
c) I dont want blowjobs from farm animals
'Nuff said. Get Mr Cow to buy you an RX 8 lah.
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